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Canali umanitari subito! Immediata evacuazione dalla Grecia e dalla Turchia

Canali umanitari subito! Immediata evacuazione dalla Grecia e dalla Turchia

Appello alla mobilitazione del Progetto Melting Pot e della campagna Lesvos calling

3 / 3 / 2020
La crisi umanitaria in Grecia, nelle isole hotspot del Mar Egeo e al confine con la Turchia sta drammaticamente peggiorando di ora e in ora, da quando lo scorso 27 febbraio il presidente turco Erdogan ha annunciato, dopo l’intensificarsi degli scontri in Siria, di inviare verso l’Europa “milioni di profughi” che risiedono in Turchia. In questo momento, secondo ... »
Venedig 23.-24. September 2017 Aufruf an die europäischen bürgerbewegungen für die verteidigung von territorien, umweltgerechtigkeit und demokratie

Venedig 23.-24. September 2017 Aufruf an die europäischen bürgerbewegungen für die verteidigung von territorien, umweltgerechtigkeit und demokratie

22 / 7 / 2017
Seit mehr als tausend Jahren ist die Stadt Venedig ein Symbol für das Gleichgewicht zwischen Mensch und Natur; ihre Magie entsteht und lebt von der außergewöhnlichen Verbindung zwischen dem Künstlichen und der Natur, zwischen Stein und Wasser, zwischen Stadt und Lagune. Ernsthaft bedroht wird dieses fragile Gleichgewicht durch die Maschinerie des Massentourismus; und einer ... »
Venise 23-24 Septembre. Appel européen aux mouvements pour la défense des territoires, la justice environnementale et la démocratie.

Venise 23-24 Septembre. Appel européen aux mouvements pour la défense des territoires, la justice environnementale et la démocratie.

21 / 7 / 2017
Depuis plus de mille ans Venise est la ville symbole de l’équilibre entre les hommes et et la nature. Sa magie naît et vit dans l’extraordinaire harmonie entre artifice et natura, terre et eau, ville et LaguneCet équilibre très fragile est gravement menacé par l’industrie du tourisme massif et ces immenses paquebots, très polluantes, et dangereux pour la ... »
Europe on fire

Europe on fire

24 / 3 / 2016
Since the first minutes following yesterday morning terrorist attacks in Brussels, the hashtag #BrusselsOnFire started to circulate on Twitter. Through this hashtag the supporters of Daesh celebrated the attack to the heart of the Belgian capital, repeating the same script of November 13, when #ParisOnFire was chosen as the virtual salute to the massacre of Bataclan.It seems ... »
Discussion input on the transnational long-term perspectives of Blockupy by the Commune of Europe

Discussion input on the transnational long-term perspectives of Blockupy by the Commune of Europe

A year of hope and defeat or: Those who aim high can fall deep

5 / 2 / 2016
2015 was a turbulent one: the massive transnational mobilization to block the ECB opening in Frankfurt on a weekday as well as the powerful OXI in July gave us a spirit of change and let the possibility to widen the cracks in the system become tangible. It's needless to remind of the unprecedented level of authoritarian rule whereby the EU erased the option of any alternative ... »
Welcome to Europe

Welcome to Europe

10 / 9 / 2015
Movilización internacional para parar las masacres de inmigrantes en el mar, para abrir los canales humanitarios, para reconocer el derecho de asilo político, para una acogida digna y para la libertad de circulación en Europa. Todavía más muertos: los de hoy se suman a los de ayer, a los de los meses pasados, a los de hace dos o tres años. Cifras tan elevadas que ... »
Welcome to Europe

Welcome to Europe

Call for an international mobilisation to stop the massacre of migrants in the sea, for the opening of humanitarian corridors, for the acknowledgement of a European right of asylum, for an upright welcoming system and freedom of movement in Europe.

10 / 9 / 2015
The groups which have assumed the call will participate to the three days of international mobilisation in Brussel on the 15th, 16th and 17th of October during the Eurosummit. The first meeting point will be on the 15th inside the blockade built together with migrants and sans papiers in order to claim a Europe without austerity and borders. The block will define another ... »
Welcome to Europe

Welcome to Europe

Appel pour une mobilisation internationale pour arrêter les massacres des migrants e mer, pour l’ouverture de canaux humanitaires, pour le droitn d’asile européen, pour un accueil digne et pour la liberté de circulation en Europe.

10 / 9 / 2015
Les groupes politiques qui ont signé l’appel participeront aux trois journées de mobilisation international à Bruxelles le 15, 16 et 17 octobre. Le premier rendez-vous sera dans le blocus du 15 matin construit ensemble avec les sans papier et les migrants pour revendiquer une Europe sans austérité et frontières. Le rendez-vous du 15 matin est à 12.00 h in Avenue de la ... »
Multiple and inter-dependent struggles for a Europe of communards

Multiple and inter-dependent struggles for a Europe of communards

4 / 5 / 2015
Only few months have passed since a tiny crack opened in the European chain of command. The election in Greece, beyond the specific judge on Syriza party, delivered an unmistakable message: people had enough of austerity politics. Could a vote solve all the problems? Obviously not. Nobody believed this, but it was a sign that people want to take power back on their lives. What ... »
A call of Lampedusa in Hamburg

A call of Lampedusa in Hamburg

12 / 1 / 2015
Italian versionRight to the city - never mind the papersWe are people living in Hamburg. We are refugees struggling on a daily basis with the bad living situation in overcrowded and isolated camps, we are neighbors fighting against our displacement from overpriced neighborhoods, and we are activists recapturing our right to the city. We are organized refugees of the group ... »
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