Bruxelles - Fight Zombieland : Precarious-United Vs Ecofin

Streetparties, direct actions against ECOFIN, lobbies, banks and rating agencies

27 / 9 / 2010

Institutions are supposed to work for the people. In Brussels, european institutions do not work for common good. On the contrary, they run for multinationals, holdings of corporations or capitalist conglomerates and their lobbies. Lobbies gather an army of hacks with incredible powers. They weave invisible nets. Their mission is to manipulate the brains of people working for european institutions. Quite easily for the hags, those people are turned into zombies. There lies great danger

Day One - Infection

On februay 15th, Finance ministers of the eurozone ask Athens to take further actions to fight deficits with cuts in public spending or by creating new taxes. These austerity measures are set to be evaluated on the 16 of march.

28 Days later... Contamination

On the 16th of march, Sarkozy calls Merkel : "Hi Angie, it's Nicolas. I've just talked with Strauss-Kahn, and it's all set..." This little agreement is put in place when Athens has to agree to deal with IMF, during an ecofin meeting the week after.

28 Weeks later, Epidemy?

On this 30th of september, as Belgium holds europe's presidency, Ecofin is meeting informally. Which means everything really important will be decided there. The occult & invisible witchcraft of lobbies is spreading. Zombies are cooking us a magical potion to deal with the crisis : Austerity. The future they have in store for us means hell. We, precarious and rebel, know that this so-called magical potion they want to inoculate is a poison, a real knock-out.

Precarious-United VS Zombieland : a three groups mission

A First group will take care of the TopZombies. There are few of them, but take most of the decisions. For example, Barroso : failed everything he tried (Irak, EU Constitution, Lisbon, Financial crisis) yet keeps his job when more and more europeans lose theirs. Or Van Rompuy (only belgians know the guy) which is president of the european council, meaning truly a yes-man to Germany and France desires. Or Ashton, Trichet, …. These are the top zombies organising it all. Without them, 2.0 Zombies cannot function properly.

A Second group will stop the potion from spreading to the entire continent. They are the zombie hunters. Goal of the operation : find out where their meeting is taking place and make them prisonners. Then, put a quarantine in place, and wait experts in the art of innovative and secure dezombification.

A Third group will work in a different way. Those are the materialist artists. Thanks to their interventions, what's otherwise invisible becomes explicit. They excell in creating dominant/sumbissive bonds. "I'm stealing your will, i'm selling it to be used by multinationals". But they act in the shadows, nobody even notices. How to shed light on these bonds is the work of materialist artists.


  1. Our ennemies : Lobbies' hags, Top Zombies, Second generation zombies (finance ministers).
  2. Our allies : Precarious, migrants, unemployed, social movement militants & all anticapitalist activists.
  3. Our objectives :
    • Shed light on lobbies' capitalist witchcraft in Bruxelles
    • Establish a quarantine of 2.0 zombies, and dezombify them with natural and organic processes. And good music.
    • Force out TopZombies back to where they come from and replace them by hamsters.
  4. Our weapons : Our imagination, our will, civil disobedience and non violent direct action

So go on, create your team, choose your task, prepare yourself and join us in Bruxelles for a great game against Austerity. 30.9.10 or never
